The Bittersweet Fair
Summer has been buzzing along. We took advantage of (but never enough) our summer pool membership. We trucked to Annapolis and our Beach Vacation in Rehoboth (ahhhhh toes in the sand). The boys saw Hershey PA (Thank you, Lainie & Margie) and we fed baby deer (Thank you, Sam & Sonya). We bought summer clothes. We made new friends. We had play dates (Thank you, Maureen). I worked. James worked. Schedules have changed. James painted the bathroom (think farmhouse yellow replaced by a peaceful gray in a spa relaxing way). We (read I) have completed another office cleanse and a few basement items hit the road. I am squeezing in every single ounce of trying to feel productive. EVERY OUNCE. Family gatherings. Baseball for Ben. Jude turned 4. Baby Joel is almost crawling (baby gates for Kay and Kurt). My first trip to Kennywood (never again Black Widow). Haircuts. Patio Dining (I never get tired of you). SUMMER REALLY IS WONDERFUL. August is winding down (wait were just midway through, hold up!) We have our classroom assignments, the supplies have been purchased (one more shopping trip should do us - Praise to the Gods that thought up shopping lists online shipped right to your house). The smell is in the air of pencils, notebooks, full schedules and routines. I will do my best not to get overwhelmed. The Canfield Fair is approaching and that always marks the end of the summer (for me). Bittersweet. The chatter starts about which day(s) are we going (one is never enough). And cue the end of summer tears ... (I might have already purchased my Halloween door decor - shhhhh, I had to. It was a unique opportunity.) I see you, September. Stay back ... for now.